Search Results for: jing chen

Orange lichens are source for potential anticancer drug

October 19th, 2015 (No Comments)

Parietin, shown to have anticancer activity in the laboratory, is a dominant pigment in Caloplaca lichens. Note: this study did not assess the effects of eating lichens or rhubarb. Photo courtesy of

Potential anticancer drugs from humble sources

July 24th, 2014 (1 Comment)

Orange lichens contain a pigment with anticancer activity, Jing Chen’s lab has discovered

Nox-ious link to cancer Warburg effect

February 15th, 2018 (No Comments)

Invitation from a talk by San Martin recently gave in Chile

A sickly sweet anticancer drug

December 20th, 2017 (No Comments)

Cancer cells say: “We like sugar.” Potential anticancer drug says: “Eat all you want. And don’t hold your breath.”

Melanoma mutation likes fat for fuel

January 13th, 2017 (No Comments)

Research in mice suggests that acetoacetate, whose levels in the body can be elevated by high-fat, low-carb diets, spurs the growth of cancers with the V600E mutation. This mutation is common in melanomas and hairy cell leukemia and is also found in some other types of cancer. Photo: brain metastasis of a V600E B-raf-mutated melanoma, from Wikimedia.

Nutty stimulant revealed as anticancer tool

November 17th, 2016 (No Comments)

Areca nuts are chewed for their stimulant effects in many Asian countries. Analogous to nicotine, arecoline was identified in a chemical screen as an enzyme inhibitor that thwarts the Warburg effect in cancer cells.

Anticancer drug strategy: making cells choke on copper

November 9th, 2015 (No Comments)

Many human enzymes use copper to catalyze important reactions, but cancer cells seem to need the metal more than healthy cells. Manipulating the body’s flow of copper is emerging as an anticancer drug strategy. A team of scientists from University of Chicago, Emory and Shanghai have developed compounds that interfere with copper transport inside cells.

Melanoma mutation rewires cell metabolism

July 6th, 2015 (1 Comment)

Jimi Hendrix pioneered the artistic use of feedback with electric guitar. A feedback mechanism explains why a particular mutation is common in melanomas. Image from Wikimedia Commons.

Fine tuning an old-school chemotherapy drug

April 25th, 2014 (No Comments)

A way to make cisplatin less toxic and more potent?

Resurgence of interest in cancer cell metabolism

June 24th, 2010 (No Comments)

A recent article in Nature describes the resurgence of interest in cancer cell metabolism. This means exploiting the unique metabolic dependencies of cancer cells, such as their increased demand for glucose.